Report on LifeNets Vinohradiv Project 2013 by Maria Guske

September 30, 2013

I remember when I found out I was going to Ukraine; I did not even know where it was on a map.  This place would soon change my life for the better.   I was nervous because I had never been out of the United States.  I also was concerned since I did not know the language and I was worried whether or not I could get along with the kids.  When we arrived the first day, everyone was so friendly and the smiles of the children broke the ice.  They were so friendly and so kind. When we came the second day, it seemed like we had been there forever.  The love and the warmth were contagious.  I was really challenged to grow because I was taken out of my comfort zone, but it was so good for me to learn from the group.  I got sick one day and all the kids in camp made me cards and it was so heartwarming to see how much they loved me when I was sick.  There cards meant so much to me and really encouraged me because I was so far away from home.  I am so thankful to have the opportunity to serve at the mission and even though we went to teach English and to be with the kids, they gave back far more then I could have ever given.  Thanks to Life Nets for this once in a lifetime opportunity.

June 2013

I am really excited that I am able to go to Ukraine. I have always wanted to go to a different country and immerse myself in different cultures. I think it will be a very eye open experiencing because I have only known what America is like. I want to be a children's counselor for my career so going to an orphanage will be an amazing opportunity. I cant wait to see how God is going to work in the two weeks we are there.

Maria Guske, age 18
